Here's a quick run down of the rules:
- Be respectful of one another and any manuscript you critique. You can provide constructive criticism without being an ass.
- Fill out the simple form below and post it (and whatever else you want) on your own blog, then link up here to blog hop!
Name or Pen Name:
Word Count:
What you hope your CP will do for you:
What makes you an awesome CP:
I'll post my answers later today.
Word Count: 46k
What you hope your CP will do for you: I mostly need help with my query letter and fun twitter pitch ideas, but I also love swapping critiques. I'm pretty fast (although all these contests slow me down!)
What makes you an awesome CP: Detail oriented. I point out those repeated words, typos, punctuation, plot holes, character inconsistencies.
Thanks again! My link is added. Please don't mind the post date. I back-dated so regular content would stay on the main pages.