Friday, December 16, 2022

DNA Does Not A Parent Make

Too many adults seem to believe that sharing DNA is enough to make them a parent, worse they think DNA is enough to make them a GOOD parent.  

Yet good parents don't mooch off their family while their mothers raise their children.

They don't selfishly hoard their children like a dragon hoarding riches instead of allowing their child to live in a home with both love and the opportunities they cannot provide. 

Good parents don't alienate their children from the other parent with vicious lies and twisted versions of the past told through the lens of their own hurt instead of the lens of love for their child because love for their child would recognize that your past romance has nothing to do with the child's relationship with their parent.

Good parents do not withhold educational and medical information from the other parent for control.  

Good parents accept their children's gender identity.  

Good parents use the right pronouns. 

Good parents know failure to accept their child's gender identity and failure to use the right pronouns causes suicidal ideation, and will make your child cry themselves to sleep at night wondering why they're not good enough for you.

Good parents realize their children have ADHD without having to be told by a step parent.

Good parents realize their children need therapy without having to be told and actually keep them in that therapy. 

A good parent would put their child in an in-treatment facility for serious mental health issues when they need it instead of refusing to do so just to show the other parent they have more "control."  That only risks their child's life unnecessarily.

Good parents are concerned about sexual health and safety of their teen children.

Good parents teach their children right from wrong and don't overlook poor behavior just because it was directed at the other parent or the step parent, whom they loathe simply for existing. 

Good parents do not try to include a child in adult decisions and discussions. 

Good parents do not create an us against them dynamic between their child and the other parent.

Good parents know that birthing a child isn't enough to make you a parent.   Good parents know it takes a village and that village MUST include the other parent. 

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